Farewell to Fr. Alan Burke
11th August 2016
Leslie Lyons
Rev. Gary Hastings and all of the members of the Church of Ireland community join with me wishing Fr Alan a fond farewell as he leaves Oughterard for pastures new.
We have all got to know and admire him over the past four years and his kindness and support has been greatly appreciated. Indeed, history was made just over a year ago, on 8th December 2014, when he invited Gary Hastings to preach at a special Mass to mark the 185th anniversary of the construction of the church.
We must continue to build on this close co operation between the two churches at a time when past differences have become irrelevant and when we all depend so much on each other.
We are sorry to see Alan go, we will miss his warm smile, his comforting words at times of crisis, his musical talents and his gentle encouragement.
We thank him for his ministry here in Oughterard over the past four years. We wish him well for his sabbatical and we will be delighted to see him if he manages to visit the town at any time in the future.
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